Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 11, 2010

Thank you SO much to everyone for all the love, prayers, support and positive energy you have been sending my way! I am deeply touched and moved by the outpouring...I don't know what I'd do without each and every one of you! I have also received so many well wishes from friends and acquaintances through all of you, please pass my thanks to all of them!

It's becoming more challenging to respond to each person individually so it's time for the group email thing. I'll do my best to stay in touch but you may hear some updates from my sweet Brenna. If you do not wish to receive these emails, please let us know. If anyone needs to be added, let us know also:) I'm sure I've forgotten someone? Feel free to forward this as well.

So what is it? According to my Oncologist, Dr. Marin Xavier, my cancer is most closely related to a Ewing's Sarcoma, the difference being Ewing's is bone based and mine is based on soft tissue in my abdomen. This is a "serious" and "rare cancer" but it is treatable and has the potential to be cured within 5 years. I consider this FANTASTIC news!

Plans of action? This Wednesday I will be admitted to the hospital for 4 days to start in-patient chemotherapy. I will rotate in and out of the hospital for treatments over the next few months.

While there have been lots of changes in my life recently and more lie ahead, I am at peace with this and confident I will kick this cancer's back side! I have great support and am being taken excellent care of by my village -- super duper special thanks to Brenna, Travis, Tate, Louisa and Jay.

What do I need? Not totally sure right now bit I do ask that you keep the love coming. IO feel it and it makes all the difference in the world. Visitors will be limited while I'm in the hospital and please do not feel the need to send flowers. I'm sure I'll be looking for company and fun outings during my non-hospital time so I look forward to seeing people then.

Today was a good day. I now know where I stand. I know what lies ahead and I'm going in swinging! After spending the morning at the doctor's I ran some errands and had an awesome lunch with Louisa. Brenna gave me an adorable short haircut and now I'm chilling at home with Travis and Tate.

Life is good. Reba

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Everything good!