Monday, May 24, 2010

3 months ago today...

2/24/10  The day I made an emergency entrance into the hospital due to the fact that a 6 inch tumor had been discovered in my abdomen.  2 days later I had surgery and was told I had cancer.  It's been a roller coaster ride since then...  2 surgeries, 2 rounds of in-patient chemo, neutropenic fever, countless blood tests, MRIs, CTs, bone scans, you name it...  I literally feel dizzy when I think about it!  Sometimes it just doesn't seem real.  I'll wake up feeling like it was just a dream but then I realize I have no hair or I feel the scar on my tummy and realize it is indeed true.  I'm fighting cancer AND happily, winning the fight!

Today I'm 48 hours home from Round II of chemo.  My doctor was successful in staying ahead of the nausea this time and that made a huge difference.  She also kept me extremely hydrated so I think that helped also.  I'm sleeping well, eating regularly and getting out a couple times each day to walk.  Once around the block leaves my heart racing and me feeling pretty winded but it feels good to move and get some air and sunshine.  I'm very fatigued and a little sore still from surgery.  I also have a little bit of chemo brain (slow, slow, slow), but it's not all that bad really.  All in all I feel remarkably well and for this I am grateful  :)

Although I'm a little lonely, I plan on pretty much being a shut-in this time around, sticking to home and avoiding the general public as much as possible.  My immune system should be zero here any day now so it's time for the extra precautions.  No raw foods, very limited visitors and lots of hand washing!  The good news is once I crash I start rebuilding so if it goes as well as last time I'll be as good as new in no time.  Pray for white blood cells to flourish!!!

Happy hair!  God bless my hair  ;)  It's coming back with a vengeance.  Especially one little hair right on top of my head...  It's 4 times longer than the rest and I lovingly call it my happy hair, the little hair that could!  I noticed it just before I went in the hospital and it made my day.  It just looks so happy and so determined.  Of course Dr. X said, "You know we are going to kill that hair"?  Shhhhhh, don't tell my happy hair that! Sad that my new hair will be falling out soon but inspired by the fact that it will indeed come back again when all is said and done.

Well my friends, I'm pooped!  Time to rest.  I really wanted to catch up the blog and say hello to everyone.  I'm not sure my thoughts were articulated as well as I would have liked but as my new motto states, "blame it on the chemo" ;)  I'm actually thinking of having a bumper sticker made to that effect.

3 months...  sometimes it seems like it's gone so fast and sometimes it seems like it's been a lifetime.  What's made it bearable is all the love and support you all provide.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

xo  Reba


  1. Rebaaaaaaaaaaa, so glad to hear the good news. Yes, its been amazing what you have endured these last 3 months yet it was quick and taken care of immediately. This is very great news and I'm so happy for you. I will be sending you some positive energy to get those white blood cells to flourish and flourish and flourish... I love you and lots of hugs to you my strong friend. Esta es muy fuerte amiga!!!

  2. oh remember in spansih class how we use to get United States screwed up... What it Estado Unidos or Unidos Estados... LMAO

  3. P.S. tell Matilda she can only stay around for little while...

  4. You are one amazing lady! It's so great to read such positive news! Hugs!!

  5. Glad to hear your upbeat news. If not for chemo, I think you could kill those cancer cells with just your ATTITUDE! Big hugs... Enjoy that happy hair!

  6. Glad you had no nausea this time! We will be praying for you and those white blood cells.

    Love you, Susie and Laban

  7. So happy that you are feeling well and staying strong!! I am so inspired by you!! Hugs and Kisses!!!!! Leslie

  8. I love your happy hair story :) You always make me laugh and I love the way you think... you are such a Rockstar! I'm praying for flourishing white blood cells! I know being shut in may feel lonely but I'm just around the corner ;) xoxo

  9. Hey Reba - I'm so glad to hear that round 2 went well. When you're feeling better we'll plan an evening of raw food and interesting people at Ono's!! :-) Until then, keep kicking butt my friend-

  10. Reba,
    You are a true inspiration to everyone. I am so proud to be your friend and to be able to witness your strength. It has made me a better person. I love you and can't wait until we can get together for some drinks and chit chat!

  11. I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa

    You are amazing and blessed to have friends and family every step of the way.

  12. LOL!! Hair comes and goes. Happy people grow happy hair and I'm sure the next batch will be as happy as the last. Stay well my friend. :)

  13. I can relate to your quote Renee! xo Reba

  14. Reba, I'm so happy that you are doing well. Your attitude is amazing, how can you not do well with that in your corner.
    Always sending good thoughts your way.

  15. Thanks for the update, Reebs! You are our superhealer with happy hair to boot! Go white blood cells!


  16. Reba, I am so glad to read that you are doing so well. I love that picture of your friend Matilda. She is a good "friend" I am sure. She's there when you need her but leaves you alone when her job is done. Can't wait to see you at the cart. First round of coffee is on me y'all!

  17. Rebs - love the bumper sticker idea! You should do that. How's the happy hair doing? That really made me smile. Keep up the blogging - and enjoy yourself this weekend. Relax in the sunshine and eat some good food!


Everything good!