Saturday, May 1, 2010

Reba Carvalho sees Star Wars for the very first time!

As planned, I had my staples removed, all 30 of them, Tuesday.  I'm happy to report it did not hurt a bit.  I also had a bladder study which didn't go as well.  I continue on with my catheter, Dr. Duggan says I just need a little more healing time.  Hopefully this Tuesday Mr. Foley and I will finally part ways.  Oh and for those of you unfamiliar, Foley was the inventor of the catheter, hence me calling it Mr. Foley... a couple of you did not understand ;)

Thursday I saw both Dr. Xavier (my oncologist) and Dr. Duggan (my surgeon).  Dr. Xavier was ecstatic over my pathology and said, "you are going to be amongst the women in the 30% CURE rate group for your disease.  I am going to be a survivor!  Those words evoke such emotion and such thankfulness...  I have so much life to live and I am so grateful I get to live it.  I am going to watch Brenna and her family grow and experience life and that means the whole world to me.

The ever ambitious Dr. X wanted to start my chemo right away but Dr. Duggan believes I need more healing time (I do too).  Her words were like music to my ears, "We have time this go round".  I'm guessing I will start my next chemo in 3 weeks?  It's still unclear whether it will be inpatient or out.  Both doctors agreed my incision is healing very nicely and Dr. Duggan is pleased there has been no infection.

This healing process is proving to take a little longer than my first surgery.  I am still very sore and I move slowly.  The gas pain is slowly subsiding.  Every day life gets a little bit easier  :)

A big shout out to Brenna, Tate, Louisa, Rondi and Carl for getting me to all my doctor's appts this week and shuttling me around for errands.  A special thanks to Rondi for dinner last night and for bringing over Star Wars... Yep, I finally saw Star Wars!  Can you even believe it?  Only took me 30+ years.

I hope you are all having a really nice weekend.  May the Force be with you!



  1. Hey Survivor! I still am amazed at how brave you've been through this whole ordeal! You've grabbed life by the horns and you're winning! What a legacy you are living each day... thank you for the inspiration! Love you Reebs!

  2. Hey Sistah... good to hear the progress you are making that is very awesome. May the force be with you! XOXOXO

  3. I am very happy to know you are recovering so well, te quiero amiga. Hugs! Ana

  4. I love seeing your positive posts. You are such an inspiration! If I tell Eli you saw Star Wars he's going to want to bring all 4 of his movies over and watch them with you while explaining everything that is going on. He might even bring over his light saber too!
    Hugs to you!

  5. Reba, So happy it's going well for you. I think about you all the time and wish you a speedy recovery. GO- FIGHT- WIN!

  6. I just got in BIIIGGGG trouble....I meant all 6 movies not 4. Oooops ; )

    Thinking of you! :)

  7. Reba,
    You are absolutely amazing. You had never seen Star Wars? :>) All kidding aside, you are amazing because of the way you've handled cancer -- with guts and grace and openness. Keep it up. Here's to savoring the victory thus far, taking a little rest, and then continuing with the necessary treatments. Sending lots of love and well wishes your way. Go, fight, win, indeed!!! love, Bob

  8. Well.... I hate to admit, I have never seen Star Wars either. What did you think of it? Are you going to watch the other movies that followed the first? Inquiring minds want to know! BTW... Glad you are starting to feel better after your surgery. I have heard that is a tough recovery.
    Take care you...

  9. You are an inspiration! Your attitude and vibrant spirit are amazing. We're all so happy to hear you're doing well. We miss you! Love and hugs! Krista :O )


Everything good!